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Oecophylla smaragdina -Green Weaver ant

Oceophylla Smaragdina– Asian tree ants - EXPERT


One of the most difficult and famous species in the ant keeping world. You will see very few colonies out there in captivity. But if you can get it right, the rewards are obvious, you will be enriched with the most aggressive and active colony you can ask for which will span into the hundreds of thousands given time.


Here at ant antics however we has mastered it, all of our colonies are raised from fresh queens and using our unique setups to provide maximum results. Your colony will be strong and full of brood.


Living arboreally tree ants will use the leaves of trees to construct nests. In order to do this they “activate” their secret glue with the use of an antennae tickle on the larvae. Instead of making cocoons the larvae’s silk is instead used like a glue gun and joins the leaves together whilst they are held in place by the workers.


Our fresh queens have been carefully collected and they all have eggs which are their own.


Please do your due diligence on keeping this species before you purchase them. You will need to put in the time exploring the internet and YouTube on how best to house them and raise your colony. We house all of our founding colonies in our Ant antics Weaver One nests. These are available to purchase under the nests section of our website.


Colony Size

100,000+  workers

Queen Age

10+ years

Monogyne (1 queen per colony)


Nest 25 to 28 degrees



Polymorphic (Different size casts)



Yes – They spray acid


Yes – they are very grippy and will bite to hold down whilst spraying acid


Small insects, sugars.

Nest Type

Natural, Acrylic, Sand, Earth, Glass.


Queen – 16mm

Worker – 3-14mm

Oecophylla smaragdina -Green Weaver ant

PriceFrom £59.99
  • The Law

    It is illegal to release this species into the wild in the UK. If you can no longer look after your colony then you can contact us at any time and we will take them back free of charge.

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