Pheidole Pallidula - Intermediate Species - Small in Size
The distinctive major workers have earned the genus Pheidole the nickname of "big-headed ants." The major workers of a Pheidole colony, while they may look fierce, are often quite shy and are often the first to flee on any hint of danger.
Pallidula however is a small ant from southeurope. They are very aggressive against other ants and can recruit quickly at feeding places. They need a huge amount of food so with a lack they try to escape as soon as it runs low, their small size makes the escape artists . Therefore it is nesseccary to have good escape prevention in place.
In most cases, the major workers are employed within the nest to break up large food items, or outside to carry large items, such as seeds; many Pheidole species, including Pallidula are ecologically important seed consumers who consume small seeds.
In the wild the live in sand environments around the Med as well as in soil, typically under stones.
Colony Size
Up to 7,000 workers
Queen is fully claustral - requires no food until first workers
Queen Age
20 to 25 years (est.)
Heated 21 to 28 degrees
Yes - Nov to Feb at 15 degrees
Polymorphic (Different size casts)
Yes - Minor, Media, Major
Lots of Proteins, Sugars, Water and Small seeds.
Nest Type
Natural, Acrylic, Sand, Ytong, Earth, Glass.
Queen - 7-8mm
Worker - 2-4mm
Soldier (Major) 6mm
Polymorphic - Yes
Egg to Adult Worker - 4 to 5 weeks
Sexually Mature Colony
1200+ Workers
Pheidole pallidula - Big Headed Ant
It is illegal to release this colony into the wild in the UK, if you can no longer care for your colony please contact us immediately.